First Meeting

Our first meeting is to get to know each other and undertake a confidential business assessment so your needs and objectives can be defined. Using this information, we will work together on an action plan for you to implement.

Getting to know each other.

It is always good to share our experiences and what we have achieved in the past. We can understand what both parties bring to the table. This is also a time when we can decide if you are happy to proceed with the relationship.

Agreed expectations

It is important to be sure that we both understand what our expectations are. As a mentor I cannot do your job or be involved in the day to day running of the business. As your mentor I understand that you cannot always achieve what has been agreed and sometimes you will find other solutions than the ones we discuss.

Our meetings

We will agree how often we meet as this will vary depending on the tasks that have been set. This can be once every couple of weeks or once a month.


When you come to the first meeting bring along some draft objectives covering what outcomes you would like to achieve through the mentoring. We will discuss these and agree to what can be achieved.


At the conclusion of our first meeting you should be able to have a good understanding as to the way we will both work together.

Register for mentoring