
Mark Sweeney MBA
Mark’s career started from a technical background, servicing medical equipment that included computerised tomography and digital cardiac imaging. He moved onto sales management and soon discovered the power of systems to manage the sales and service processes and to ensure customers responses were followed up.

Mark started his own company both selling and servicing medical equipment. This company was competing in a competitive business environment, so he maximised the use of technology to give himself an advantage over his competitors. This company was one of the first to develop a web-based reporting tools for both the technical team and customers to upload and download service reports.

He eventually sold this company to multinational organisation. Mark then worked in various business development and change management roles, continually looking for ways to make organisations smarter by using technology.

Mark has worked in Australia for a number of medical and scientific companies. During his time in Australia Mark embarked on and completed an MBA at Massey University Albany. His dissertation, based on the use of ICT in medical equipment service organisations was published in a technical journal in the USA.

For some years Mark has been a business mentor, a role where he is rewarded by seeing businesses owners develop and grow.

